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Face –to-Face

...with Sr. Francine

October 27, 2020


An educator par excellence Sr. Francine has served as a Principal for more than twenty years, sixteen of which she moulded young lives in Ajmer. She is the proud recipient of many District, State and National Awards, the most prestigious of all being The National Teacher’s Award which she received on 5th September 2011. Sr. Francine, a sportsperson herself advocates the active participation of girls in various Games and Sports. She has a beautiful smile which warms the cockles of everyone’s hearts.

Elvira: First of all I would like to wish you a very Happy Feast! Today is 4th October. I remember how we used to wish you for your feast when you were in Ajmer.

Sr. Francine: Thank you! I have fond memories of those days too. (smiles charmingly)




Elvira: Sister, we your students all love and absolutely adore you. Not only are you a wonderful human being but also a brilliant teacher. Tell us why you decided to become a teacher?

Sr. Francine:
Thank you! To tell you the truth I never thought of becoming a teacher. From the very beginning I was interested in Sports. You know that I’m more of a sportsperson! But then the authorities in the Convent insisted that I should take up teaching. Once I began interacting with students I realized that teaching is a gift and it became a great source of joy to me. I was enthusiastic that I should play my role in helping the children entrusted to my care to become better human beings. So it was not just about teaching from books, it was about leaving an indelible mark in their lives through which my students would feel inspired to give their best in everything. My students not only from the Science section in S.M.A., Ajmer but the others also were so close to me. 




Elvira: This is wonderful, Sister! It’s so true. We looked forward to our interaction with you. I’m so glad that I was blessed enough to attend your Moral Values classes. I learnt so much through them. I would like to ask you a question on the same note. What is success and what according to you is essential to become successful in life?

Sr. Francine: (laughs) Yes! There were so many stories I shared with you all in my Moral Values classes. If you remember, a few of them talked about joy, hard work, patience, forgiveness and success. See... I believe that we don’t aim for success deliberately but it comes to you automatically if you work hard. Success is like a butterfly that is attracted to the fragrant flower of hard work. If you don’t chase success but do what is required of you and work hard you will see that success will sooner or later come looking for you. 
And, according to me a loving and disciplined human being can achieve anything with hard work. So, to be successful you need to be loving, disciplined and hardworking. Understood? (laughs) 




Elvira: (giggling) Absolutely Sister! This has made me nostalgic. I feel I’m sitting in my classroom. Now I have a very interesting question. Sister, you have a beautiful smile and we’ve always seen Sr. Francine smiling. What is the secret of your enthusiasm and optimism?

Sr. Francine: (laughs loudly) See beta, my enthusiasm comes from the resurrected Jesus. It’s a spiritual joy that comes from following Christ. I feel so filled with God that the joy overflows in the form of enthusiasm. 
And I’m optimistic because I try to see the positive side of everything. For me failure is the road to success. Ho gaya? Questions finished?




Elvira: No Sister, not yet! My next question is, you’ve been a Sportsperson in your days of School life. What advice would you like to give today’s youth who take up some kind of sport?

Sr. Francine: I would like to tell the children and the youth who take up sports that they should be active and energetic. It’s very important that they should stay fit. They must train their body and mind both, for the challenges ahead. They must practice yoga and meditation. Also, they should practice regularly so as to enhance their stamina. 


Elvira: This is very valuable advice which I’m sure the youth will appreciate it. Now, so that all your other students around the world don’t feel left out, please share a short message for them.

Sr. Francine: My message is the same I have been giving all these years in the morning assembly and various functions – be simple and hard working. Don’t forget the D’s I mentioned again and again to you – Discipline, Dedication, Determination, Devotion, Decorum and Decency! God bless you all!




Elvira: Thank you so much Sister! I’m sure all your students will love to read more about you and feel so lucky to receive your blessings. I personally, feel so privileged to have had this conversation with you. Thank you once again.



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