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March 8, 2021

Ms. Patricia...



She's a pretty fairy
Always so merry
She lives at 'Ferns and Blooms' 
'Where there's magic in all the rooms'. 
She's magical 
But yet so logical.
She's naughty too 
And enjoys a trick or two! 
She's loving and warm
A mother much in form. 
She tries to make things right,
Always glowing and bright! 
She has many books of spells 
In a cupboard framed with bluebells. 
She's an expert in the kitchen 
She can bake a cake or cook chicken. 
Snowie is her cat's name
And she too is a part of the game. 
Ms. Patricia is within you and me
A woman's magical reality!


Happy Women's Day!



Image courtesy: John Mercado

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