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  • Writer's pictureElvira Fernandez

A Mother’s Love

A warm hug of love

Love that knows no limits

Limits of her love cannot be defined

Definition of a mother’s love is sacrifice

Sacrificing herself for her children’s happiness

Happy smiles light up her face to see you succeed

Success without her loving presence is not worth imagining

Imagine if you can, a life without her by your side

Beside her, close to her heart, is where we belong

Belonging to her makes us feel complete and proud

Proud of you, for all that you do, dearest Mother!

Mother’s Day this year may be fragrant with flowers

Flowers, chocolates and plenty of gifts!

Gifting you this poem but, will be my greatest joy!

Joy, joy and more joy be yours forever! Stay happy!

Happy Mother’s Day to you and all mothers!

Mothers are so important! Mothers rock!

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I’m Elvira Fernandez, an English Lecturer and an avid reader of all kinds of literature, but Children’s Literature, Fantasy and Romance top my list. 

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