An Old Forgotten Blossom
A few days ago I opened an old forgotten novel to while away the time, as I didn’t feel like doing anything, out fell a red rose pressed within the pages many years ago.

Memories of ‘those’ days came flooding through the avenues of time and I remembered with clarity the face of the one who gave it to me. I realised with a jolt that the child who so lovingly presented me with that fragrant flower was soon to leave school. The young innocent face had blossomed into a beautiful rose itself, with all the vitality of youth. Time had flown on wings and in the blink of an eye (I felt) it was time to say goodbye. The fragrance from those old days seemed to emanate from that dried blossom as it delicately lay in the palm of my hand. I couldn’t help but recollect as I sat in the bright winter sunshine (the book long forgotten) the journey of this batch and the many faces so familiar now. The pranks; the hue and cry at the time of exams; the crazy rush for practices at the time of Competitions, the Alumni Meet; the witty remarks in the class; the occasional scolding from teachers; the late submissions; the quiet students, the out spoken ones, the overtly bold, the seemingly shy... Soon these faces and moments will become a part of the past.
Every batch that crosses over into the world outside has its own unique individuality and every individual has the capacity to make her mark on the Highway called Life. Though the craze to speed along may overtake you at times but remember more than speed, steadfastness and perseverance counts. Those who persevere succeed, even when others have given up; persevere till you achieve your goal. ‘Simple living’ and ‘High thinking’ have been the watch words of this S.M.A. family. St. Marians are known for their dedication, hard work, responsible natures and above all for their SOPHISTICATION in SIMPLICITY.

As I replaced the now shrunken but still beautiful dried bloom within the pages of the book I felt the thrill of having read an interesting book, of having watched an intriguing movie that unfolded gradually revealing many secrets on the way. With thoughts that another eventful year was at an end and another promising batch on its way into the vast world, I sighed with happiness to know I had played my part as I shut the novel (hopeful that I had made a difference in some way).