Are we truly free?
Today we celebrate our freedom
Tell us, artefacts in the museum
Tell us, politicians and leaders
They all tell us we’re achievers.
Are we really? Look around!
There’s much to confound
The hungry, sick, and poor!
And does apathy have a cure?

Child labour triumphantly reigns
Bonded labour still pains and chains
Literacy is rampant, education scarce
Words spoken are harsh and coarse.
The unemployed look for some work
Unfulfilled dreams in dull eyes lurk
The child-bride grieves her widowhood
A marriage for dowry comes to no good.

Eve-teasers make her ‘kind’ feel unsafe
They all wonder if they’ll ever be safe!
To this now add the latest Pandemic
Which weighs down many an epidemic!
Are we truly free? Is this freedom?
Is life real or artefacts in a museum?
Wake O wake before it’s too late
Let’s be the change, not blame fate!

Ma'am This poem is surely serving as a gem which is powerful enough to open the closed eyelids of 138 crore of us !!✨💫