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  • Writer's pictureElvira Fernandez

At the Traffic Signal...that day!

“Oh No!” I groaned from the deepest recesses of my heart as my taxi came to a halt at the traffic signal.

I had gone to visit a friend from school days. It was her birthday. We had enjoyed catching up over a delicious lunch of boiled rice, black pomfret curry garnished with mustard seeds, curry leaves and coriander; and stuffed, shallow fried white pomfrets. The meal was absolutely divine! Her mother was a cooking wizard!

As my taxi stood at the traffic signal with a mile long jam my mind flew back to the pleasant time the three of us had spent talking about the good old days. I reached out for the tiffin on the seat near me. Her mother had packed some of the delightful curry and a fried white pomfret for me. I smiled happily thinking about dinner already.

I let my gaze wander carelessly on the scene around. There were vehicles and vehicles everywhere - in front of me, on either side of me and even behind me. Some people were chewing the betel leaf, a few were smoking, others were busy on their cell phones and yet others were grumbling and cursing.

All of a sudden engines started and... the honking started too. Loud honking! The Traffic Signal Countdown had begun! Impatience, thick enough to be cut with a knife! I expected my taxi to start inching ahead in the next few minutes but instead was surprised to see everyone peeping out of the vehicles and asking each other what happened.

Kya hua Bhaiyya?” I asked the driver of my kaali – peeli Padmini taxi.

“Arrey Bitiya!” replied the North Indian elderly driver, “Lagta hai Traffic Countdown reset ho gaya hai!”

“Kya? Kaise?” I asked trying to peek out too.

“The Signal reads Honk More, Wait More!” grinned the taxi driver.

I looked at the people around. Some stared at each other aghast while others appeared to be infuriated. The pedestrians and those at the roadside stalls were all looking up at the Signal Board and laughing.

I took out my cell phone and did a quick search to know more about Honk More, Wait More!

I couldn’t help giggling! This was surely a marvellous step towards controlling Noise Pollution and inculcating some much needed patience.

By the way readers if you’re still at a loss as to which city I’m referring to... it’s Aamchi Mumbai!

*Kya hua Bhaiyya? – What happened brother?

*kaali – peeli Padmini taxi – the iconic black and yellow cars in Mumbai

*Bitiya - Daughter

*Lagta hai Traffic Countdown reset ho gaya hai! – Looks like the Traffic Countdown has got reset

*Kya? Kaise? – What? How?

*Aamchi – our

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I’m Elvira Fernandez, an English Lecturer and an avid reader of all kinds of literature, but Children’s Literature, Fantasy and Romance top my list. 

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