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Autumn Love

Writer: Elvira FernandezElvira Fernandez

Lavinia stared outside the living room window at the falling leaves in the gathering dusk. She loved the way they danced in the gentle breeze, twirling and swirling as they slowly kissed the sleeping grass. Some of them were orange, some red and others brown. She quickly scribbled a few lines in her diary, shut it and hurried to the kitchen. It would soon be time for dinner. She thought it would be a great idea to prepare some stuffed roast chicken, stir-fried vegetables, a loaf of brown bread and then a banana-walnut cake for dessert.

She set about the task she had set for herself. She enjoyed cooking in her small cozy kitchen. She had all the modern gadgets that were required to make cooking easier and interesting. She took down her mother’s old recipe book from the shelf in which she kept it safe. She carefully opened the yellowing pages to the recipes she would require.

Soon delightful aromas were wafting from her kitchen. She wiped her brow with the back of her hand and looked happily at the chicken turning a golden brown in the oven. The stir-fried vegetables sizzled merrily in an open pan on the gas flame. She gave it one last stir and switched off the gas. The brown bread still hot from the oven sat on a checked red and white kitchen towel, it waited invitingly to be sliced.

She untied the apron and rushed to the bedroom. She washed her face quickly, he would be here soon. She outlined her eyes with kohl and applied a light shade of pink to her lips. She changed into a light woollen pink top and knee length fawn coloured skirt and tied her hair into a high ponytail. She admired her reflection in the mirror and her eyes twinkled with genuine happiness as she smiled.

Lavinia remembered the chicken in the oven and rushed into the kitchen. She grabbed the gloves and soon placed a delicious looking roast chicken on the dining table. She now placed two porcelain plates with silver knives, forks and spoons on the spotless white lace tablecloth. She added candles and a bowl full of autumn flowers from the garden in the centre and looked appreciatively at her work.

Just then the doorbell rang. She flew to open the door.

“Hello darling!” she chirped happily as she opened the door.

“Hello my love!” Alex said as he bent to give her a quick peck on her lips. “These are for you”.

“Flowers! My favourites!” she said inhaling the sweet fragrance of the red roses from the bouquet he placed in her hands.

He carried in his bag and shut the door.

“I missed you so much, Alex!” she said as she hugged him.

“I missed you too! I’m glad to be home!” he said holding her tenderly.

“Are you hungry?” she queried drawing away.

“Terribly! And, the pleasant aroma from the kitchen is making my stomach growl,” he laughed.

“Very well! So you have a quick wash and I’ll get the meal all laid out in the kitchen. It’s nice and warm there.”


Soon they were seated at the dining table in the warm kitchen.

“Wow! This is beautiful...the flowers, the candles and all,” Alex said and squeezed her hand gently.

Lavinia glowed with her love for him and the joy of having him back. She placed the food she had prepared so lovingly on his plate.

“Hmm... this is ambrosia! It tastes absolutely divine, sweetheart!”

“You like it?” she asked happily.

“Love it! I don’t know who I love more at this moment! You or this food!” he teased.

“Really?” she laughed.

“Yummy!” he declared as he speared a piece of chicken with his fork and offered her a bite.

She accepted it and looked at the man with all her love for him shining through her eyes.

“Lavinia... you’re a magician not only with your words but also in the kitchen. Tell me, what did you do while I was away? Did you write anything new?” Alex asked keeping away his fork and knife. He took a sip of wine from his glass and looked at her.

“Well yes! I have completed the novel I was writing and...”

“That’s wonderful! The romantic novel, right? And...?” he raised an eyebrow quizzically.

“And, I wrote a poem today evening as I waited for you to come,” she said with stars in her eyes and blushed a little.

“You did? Now I’m looking forward to that. How about having dessert in the living room and listening to you reading out the poem to me?” he asked.

“That’s a good idea. Let me tidy up the kitchen and I’ll join you in the living room,” she said standing up to gather the dishes.

“Oh no! We’ll do the dishes together while I tell you about my trip. The work will get done faster and I will get more time to spend with you,” Alex insisted.

“Great!” Lavinia laughed. “I don’t mind at all.”


“Hmm... this banana-walnut cake with vanilla ice-cream tastes marvellous! The flavours are so pronounced,” Alex said spooning some more into his mouth. He offered the next spoonful to Lavinia who sat cuddled up in his arms on the spacious sofa.

“It’s quite yummy!” she agreed. “I’m not a bad chef.”

“You’ve got to be joking!” he said eating another spoonful. “If I go out of shape it will be entirely your fault.”

“I don’t mind! I’ll still love you!” she laughed.

“And, I’ll love you too!” he paused to kiss her lips and then drew away reluctantly. “Now you must read the poem to me. I’m waiting!”

She sighed softly and opened her diary, “Ok... so here it is...

Come let's sit on this old wooden bench

And enjoy the beauty of the Autumn sketch

That Nature has painted in warm hues

To chase away the autumnal blues!

Look my love! Look all around

And listen to the soft whispering sound

Of falling leaves as they delicately spin round

And then gently kiss the ground.

Hold me in your arms tenderly

Let us assign these moments to memory

Of blue skies, calling birds, sleeping sun and falling leaves

Of Winter's chills as they sneak in stealthily like thieves.

Look my love! Look all around

At the pretty carpet of leaves woven on the ground

Beneath our feet they make a crunching sound

Tell me, such a pretty sight have you ever found?

With your arms around me so warmly

I'm sure I'll remember these moments fondly

My love! Not only for this beautiful season

But for the joy of every season you're the reason!”

“Awesome! Tomorrow we must go to the park and find that wooden bench. We must sit there and watch the leaves pirouetting through the air,” Alex said staring into her eyes. He gently pushed a dark curl behind her ear. “I love this poem you’ve written for me. I love you, Lavinia! I’m honoured that you feel that I’m the reason for the joy every season brings to you. And, you know what?”

“What?” she queried softly looking up at him from where she sat within his arms.

“You’re the reason I’m happy! You’re the miracle called ‘love’ in my life! You’re all the warm hues that Autumn brings and much more! I’m so... so... glad that I have you!” Alex said as he bent his head to claim her lips in a passionate kiss.


Megha Kanani
Megha Kanani
Oct 14, 2020

Autumn Love❤

Ahhh!!! What a piece...really loved reading this....and the last few lines at the end are penned so beautifullly😍

Amazing 🤗


Still poetry
Still poetry
Oct 10, 2020

Beautifully written!I got totally engrossed.. The piece is lovely..Longing for some more,never wanted it to end..


Resham Bhatia
Resham Bhatia
Oct 09, 2020

😍so much magic in the writing that it makes me curious about what next line will bring in ,the minute detailing style of entire story gives me the feel of me being present in the scene .

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I’m Elvira Fernandez, an English Lecturer and an avid reader of all kinds of literature, but Children’s Literature, Fantasy and Romance top my list. 

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