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  • Writer's pictureElvira Fernandez

Blue Roses

They are birds of different feathers

They are different, they're not like others

Among pretty roses they're blue roses

They're poems not insipid proses.

Can't you see they're sent to teach us?

We're all same and still make a fuss

They're different but willing to learn

Only for us, to our approval earn.

If only we could just take a peek into their world

We would realize how magic - love and trust unfurled.

Really! They're putting up with our inabilities

Oh... They're far better and have more possibilities

See... we can't trust, love and care like them

Eh Gawd! They're the rarest - a blue gem!

Day 2

Image courtesy: hdqwalls

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Meenakshi Sharma
Meenakshi Sharma
24 de abr.

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I’m Elvira Fernandez, an English Lecturer and an avid reader of all kinds of literature, but Children’s Literature, Fantasy and Romance top my list. 

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