Gulmohar Love – Reviews from Readers
E.A. Bucchianeri knew what he was talking about when he said, “You can kill a book quicker by your silence than by a bad review.”
Reviews are so essential. Which author doesn’t like to be appreciated? Which author doesn’t like to gloat over his/her plot, characters and settings? Well, I’m not an exception either! Mind you, if any writers tell you they don’t, they’re not being very truthful. Don’t believe them!
On a serious note, reviews help an author to work better. It serves as a motivation, an inspiration... to know you’re being read. It also helps to improve oneself because many are reading you. You can’t afford to mess up spellings, grammar; mix up characters or worse, strangle the plot. The reader is ever so vigilant, following the characters so minutely. He/she may fall in love with them if you shape them well; with your protagonists or even the antagonists, as a matter of fact. Now, how do I know this? Well, my readers have told me that over phone calls and through messages.

Sakshi Mehra messaged me in the early morning hours of mid May to tell me this, “Sorry to disturb you at this time Ma’am, but could not resist. I read Gulmohar Love. Congratulations on such an amazing book! I loved it! I will be honest with you, I don’t usually read love stories, mostly because I find them all the same, but the best part about your book was the details with which you wrote the characters. It becomes a completely different scenario when the characters materialise in front of you, and you always do that. I am a big fan of the ‘jumping over the wall’ bit. Congratulations once again. It was really sweet! I hope to read the next one soon.”

You see? Heartfelt reviews without any bombastic language but replete with feelings can’t fail to touch the author. An author creates real life people, whom you would love to meet or you yourself are. And so, it’s such a priceless feeling when someone reaches out and appreciates, rather adores your story and characters. Still not convinced that readers fall in love with characters as much as they fall in love with books? You’ve got to read this message from Mansi Sangtani then: “From where do I start? I’m very fond of reading romantic novels. I was so excited to read the book – Gulmohar Love. I completed my work and after having dinner, I started reading the book at 8:45 p.m. and continued till 2:22 a.m. to finish reading the entire novel in one sitting. Each chapter ended at a note where you couldn’t resist reading the next. So, I continued. I could picture everything in my mind. I loved each character but Eliana is my favourite. I thought I was seeing a romantic movie while reading the book. Also, I was rooting for Eli and Adi...”

Book lovers connect with the characters and enjoy the quirks of their interactions. They live the moments and visualize in their mind’s eye the settings and conversations. Dr. Rajni Saxena says this so clearly, “I really enjoyed reading it. I loved the chemistry between Adi-Eli and the bond between the two friends – Eli and Indu. While reading, I imagined myself in the theatre because the picturization is excellent. Must read it!"

Not only do readers fall in love with the characters for the people they are but also for their appearance which captivates them. Have a look!
Sanskriti Kohli said, “Ma’am it’s really fabulous! I don’t read too many books but your book is really nice. Eliana’s sarees are so beautiful.”
Nitya Rochani messaged me saying, “Ma’am, I thought that the matching jewellery that Eliana preferred was of you. Like, it immediately struck me about you in my mind, and also the preference of sarees.”
Let me tell you something more interesting. If an author is writing a series, the reader’s curiosity to know what will come in the next part fuels the author’s pen and imagination. Now, you already know that ‘Gulmohar Love’ will be followed by ‘Gulmohar Valentine’. I as an author, feel overjoyed at the eagerness exhibited by readers towards my next book. It helps me to know that I’m on the right path, that they’re able to relate with characters and would like to know more about them. Let me just share a few messages with you in this vein. Just today afternoon Damini Chhatwani wrote to me, “Ma’am, I read your book, ‘Gulmohar Love’! It’s wonderful! I enjoyed reading it. Finished it in a single day! Wishing you luck for ‘Gulmohar Valentine’!”
Mansi Sangtani messaged, “... Now I can’t wait to read Gulmohar Valentine. The moment Shaurya D’souza came in the plot, I was so sure that there is going to be something between him and Indu. Loved reading the novel! Can you please tell me when is the second part coming?”

And, then how can an author stop writing when readers like Niharika Sharma send you this, “I loved it (Gulmohar Love). Literally one of my favourite books I’ve read so far... my first book in romance genre. It’ll have a special place in my heart forever.”
Dear readers, I leave you to savour these titbits from a modest number of reviews – written or verbal. Also, permit me to make a quiet exit. I don’t want to interrupt your reading. Ahh... I’ve mentioned only a few names here. In case, I’ve missed out yours, please know that it’s done unintentionally. You and your reviews via messages, phone calls, posts on social networking sites and other online shopping sites are precious to me. I’ll always look forward to them.