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  • Writer's pictureElvira Fernandez

How can I not miss you ?

The Gulmohar is blooming, my love

Look at all those bright red blossoms above

There's the fragrance of rain in the air

Can you hear the Koel, her song share?

A Peacock too is calling for rain

He walks on paths with a sweeping train

He raises his crowned head to the sky

'Minh-aao! Minh-aao!', He loudly does cry.

Dark clouds chase each other across the Heavens

The parched Earth to them beckons

A war ensues with lightning and thunder

As all look on with amazing wonder.

Tell me how can I not miss you with pain?

When the raindrops kiss the window panes.

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I’m Elvira Fernandez, an English Lecturer and an avid reader of all kinds of literature, but Children’s Literature, Fantasy and Romance top my list. 

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