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How to write a break up letter (A Sample)

Writer: Elvira FernandezElvira Fernandez

Not so Dear Rat!

Yes! Don’t look incredulous! Your eyes are absolutely fine and so you read what you read!

I don’t care which mood or health condition this letter finds you in! You may be feeling terrible, miserable, mentally disabled... I hardly care! And, why should I?

I’ve finally got proof of your devious ways! You smooth talking devil... may you burn in hell, for cheating on me not once, not twice but thrice! What did you think? That I would never find out? Oh... no... no... You’ve no idea that a suspicious woman investigates far better than the FBI!

I’m leaving you for good! And, don’t you dare come crying and sniveling to me! I’m not going to take you back now... in fact...ever- never-ever! You good for nothing leech! You... vermin! You deserve to be sprayed with HIT and finished off with a Paragon Chappal! Just imagine you were coochie-cooing with those dames while I worked so hard here to build a future for us! To hell with you and your dreams! You can now dream your life away, for all I care!

I’ve had enough! I’m going to look for a man, a REAL man! I deserve better than just lying around waiting for you to speak to me once, smile at me once or tell me that you love me! I don’t need validation from you to know that I’m good, I’m beautiful or that I too can be loved for who I am!

So goodbye! Go to the devil or go to the dogs! Who cares! Certainly not me!

And, if in future Crazy Fate brings us face to face... better run for your life! No questions! No apologies! Just turn tail and RUN! Don’t blame me for the consequences otherwise! You’ve been warned!

The Rat Slayer



Nov 28, 2020

Such a great one! The ending made me laugh so hard......the line "turn your tail and run" was my favorite hehehe loved every bit of it.



Nov 28, 2020

One has to have a Paragon Chappal first😂

This break up letter is absolutely a fun read . 😁


syeda sugra chishty
syeda sugra chishty
Nov 27, 2020

Amazing maam I wish I could write like you .....I loved the line " you deserve to be sprayed with hit " enjoyed reading


Resham Bhatia
Resham Bhatia
Nov 27, 2020

NO matter what you write ,fantasy ,love story or comic you are upto the mark in delivering the essence in such a compact manner.

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I’m Elvira Fernandez, an English Lecturer and an avid reader of all kinds of literature, but Children’s Literature, Fantasy and Romance top my list. 

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