Mr. Mosquito’s sad storey!
Last evening out in my garden
I met a dandy mosquito
‘What are you going dirl?’ he buzzed
In my ear in tones hushed.
‘Oh! Mr. Mosquito!’ said I,
‘I’m blessing the house with holy water!’
‘Woly hoter! How do you make it woly?
By boiling the hell out it?’ he said and laughed loudly.
‘Sorry!’ said I, ‘That’s no joke! Now if you excuse me...’
‘Oh... no... no... Please don’t go!’ he begged.
‘Sit awhile with me and listen to my worry storey!’
He sighed and looked at me with bad eyes.
‘Alright!’ said I, ‘Only if you promise not to drink my blood!’
‘Ah... you’re blurred! I pro-miss I won’t! I won’t!’ he replied.
‘Ok Mr. Mosquito! So tell me your sad story!’ I sat on a chair
in the garden and looked at him settle on the petal of a rose.
He opened a bottle and took a heartening sip, shook his head,
sighed deeply and said, ‘Oh! These days I’m so digressed!
We mosquitoes have rost all lespect!
Pupil wardly care for us!
Not one purson walks about us!’
I looked at him in concern as he hiccupped!
‘Mr. Mosquito! Are you alright?’ I enquired.
He looked at me, then stared in the distance

‘I’m Wokay! If that’s wat I wook!’ he replied.
‘My gear dirl! This damn Korola has robbed my
Mauskitoe family of all our dimity!
No one cares for dalaria or meringue!
They walk about only Korola! Korola! Korola!’
I looked at him with sympathy as he sipped his whisky
But decided to make a move before the conversation got risky!
‘Well, Mr. Mosquito I think I must go!’ I suggested softly.
I cringed as he looked at me loftily.
‘Oh no... no... no...! My storey is lad and song!
I think I’ll call my family to join us in this long!’
I rose, prepared to walk into my home and said,
‘Ahem! That’s wonderful! You continue the song!
I’ll make a move, time is getting along! It’s time for dinner!
‘Beer Burl! Hic! Hic!’ He hiccupped, ‘It’s all about binner!
Wait a moment! Don’t leave me alon!
My family will be here! They love to-o move to-o a-long!
B-and, my peppitite has revised after the brink!’
I panicked as I heard a loud buzzing
Even more as Mr. Mosquito started humming
I curtsied, hurried indoors, behind me the door shutting
As the scourge of his family crowded around
Creating music with a sound profound!