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  • Writer's pictureElvira Fernandez

Scenes from my Window...

A cool breeze beckoned me To my window to look out and see The trees in my garden danced in the wind I sank onto the settee to enjoy the show, it was the weekend!

Soon blessed drops of rain descended from the skies Being able to witness this spectacle was a prize Raindrops kissed the rose petals And filled the bird’s bathing vessels

They kissed the tiny mangoes on the trees And the sleeping seeds in the earth teased A flash of lightning split the dark sky The thunder rolled high and then nigh

A gentle breeze softly lifted the chiffon curtain I inhaled deeply the fragrance from my garden The perfume of wet soil lifted my spirit Oh! And there was the song of Mr. Cricket!

Quite suddenly Mr. Frog hopped into view He croaked with all his might, to his sweetheart woo! As I looked out, two arms and a warm chest hugged me I leaned back into his warmth and placed my hand on his knee.

He placed a soft kiss on my neck and handed me a cup of tea We sat at the window, our hearts overflowing with joy at what we could see!

Image Courtesy: pinterest

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Jul 08

It is soooo beautiful😍 and the last four lines literally gave me butterflies 💕💕

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I’m Elvira Fernandez, an English Lecturer and an avid reader of all kinds of literature, but Children’s Literature, Fantasy and Romance top my list. 

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