Shopping for Christmas!
“Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock
Jingle bells swing and jingle bells ring
Snowin’ and blowin’ up bushels of fun
Now the jingle hop has begun.”

The music system in the store crooned as the shoppers went up and down the aisles carefully picking up all they would require for the festive season.
“Alex...look at this!” called Lavinia excitedly. “Isn’t it beautiful?”
Alex turned from the counter where he had been paying for the gifts. He looked at what Lavinia was holding in her hands and smiled.
“Yes, it’s beautiful. You want it? Shall we take it?” he asked.
“Yes... oh yes!” she answered, eyes shining. “I love the pattern on it. It will look lovely with the light shining out from inside. We’ll fasten this on the branch of the tree at the entrance of the garden.”
“Right! Anything else you fancy?” he asked placing the star on the counter.
“Nope!” she said as she smiled.
“Very well... let’s go then,” he said. He picked up the bags and smiled his thanks to the guy at the counter.
“Lavinia, anything left to purchase from your shopping list?” Alex queried as he placed the bags in the car.
“Hmm... I guess we’ve got everything on the list that we required... books, vases, the set of wine glasses, crayons, water paints, brown paper for the Crib, coloured paper for wrapping the gifts, colourful and transparent string lights. Only one thing remains, the Christmas wreath for the front door,” Lavinia said as she creased her brow and checked the list.
“Alright, let’s walk down to Stanley’s. I’m sure he’ll have the perfect Christmas wreath for us. He must be very busy with the last minute shoppers picking their Christmas trees,” Alex locked the car and put his arm around Lavinia.

“Perfect!” Lavinia smiled up at Alex as they walked towards ‘Stanley’s Christmas Trees and Wreaths’.
The streets were crowded with shoppers. The display windows of the stores gleamed with their wares and colourful lights enticingly. The lights made brilliant splashes of colour on the snow covering the ground. Carol singers dressed in red and green were carolling at the square. Many people had stopped to hear their angelic voices. Some were even taking videos on their mobile phones.
“Mr. Stanley, good evening! How’s it going? Busy time of the year?” called Alex in a friendly voice.
“Hey there, Alex... Lavinia! Very busy time indeed! How can I help you?” queried old Mr. Stanley rubbing his gloved hands together to keep them warm.
“Hi Mr. Stanley! We’re looking for our perfect Christmas wreath,” said Lavinia cheerfully.
“How interesting! I seem to have just the thing for you. I remember how picky you were about those as a kid, dearie. Come along. There are mistletoes to hang too. You can take whichever one you fancy,” Mr. Stanley led them to the back of his open air store.
Many decorated wreaths were arranged neatly on two long tables with bright red ribbons, pine cones and silver bells. Some even had golden ribbons and golden bells. In a small basket close by were mistletoes with pretty green leaves and red berries.
“Here! I think this is what you’re looking for, my dear,” said Mr. Stanley picking up a dark green wreath, nice and leafy with red and gold ribbons, pine cones and a pretty golden bell. “What do you think about this?”

“Aww... this is awesome!” said Lavinia stretching out her hands for the wreath. Both the men looked at her with broad smiles - one with a feeling of fatherly fondness and the other with pure love.
“Alex! We’ll take this one,” she gurgled in delight.
“Your wish is my command, madam!” said Alex clicking his heels together and saluting.
Mr. Stanley laughed. “Both of you are still like the little kids who used to accompany your parents years ago. I’m so glad you moved back to this town. How are the parents?”
“Oh! You still remember us as kids, Mr. Stanley! That’s so sweet. Our parents are fine. They’re excited to be visiting us for the festive season. They’ll be spending a couple of days with us over Christmas. I’m sure they’ll love to meet you,” said Lavinia excitedly, hugging the wreath.
“How lovely! I’d love to meet them too. I’ve got to go back to the front desk. You choose your mistletoes and bring them over to the counter,” Mr. Stanley said as he shuffled away.
“Ahh... now that’s the most interesting part of Christmas,” said Alex riffling through the pieces tied up with red ribbons in the basket.
“What’s the most interesting part?” asked Lavinia curiously.

“Choosing mistletoes!” replied Alex innocently.
“Really? Why?”
“Hmm... because I get to kiss you under it,” laughed Alex putting his arm around her waist and tugging her towards him.
“Alex! You’ll ruin the wreath,” groaned Lavinia. She giggled at his shocked expression and pulled herself free. “Choose the mistletoe and come to the counter.”
“Not fair!” called Alex laughing and trying to catch her playfully. “I’m going to pick at least half a dozen and tie them in all the doorways at home, Lavinia.”
“We’ll see!” said Lavinia as she dodged him and ran to the counter finding her way through the maze of Christmas trees and shoppers.
“Alex... this star looks beautiful. Isn’t it?” Lavinia admired the star that Alex had just hung from the low branch of the tree in their garden, just above the entrance of the porch. “And, look at the colourful patterns the light from it is making on the snow.”
“Hmm... very pretty. The wreath is perfect too for the front door. I love the dark green leaves against the honey brown colour of the door. It looks wonderful!” said Alex jumping down from the step ladder. His boots made a scrunching sound. He dragged the ladder to the far end of the garden and came back to find Lavinia admiring the small Crib they had made in the porch.
“How lovely this looks! The manager where Jesus was born among the goats and sheep and cows must’ve been such a cold place for a baby,” Lavinia whispered in a voice filled with awe. She trembled as she spoke.

“Lavinia, come on let’s go indoors. It’s cold outside. Tomorrow we’ll place the figures of Mother Mary, St. Joseph, the animals and the shepherds in the Crib. Come...” Alex draped his arm around her shoulders and steered her towards the door.
He pushed open the door. But when she would have stepped in he stopped her.
“Wait a minute!”
“What happened?” Lavinia looked at him perplexed. “Did you forget something?”
“Hmm... Aren’t you forgetting something?”
“Am I? What is it?”
“This...” Alex pointed to the mistletoe above their heads and grinned before gathering her up for a sound kiss.
Passers-by smiled as they perceived the silhouette of the kissing couple, framed in the doorway.