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  • Writer's pictureElvira Fernandez


She is fair and full of grace

Glowing and pink is her pretty face.

Her long silken, golden hair

Sways softly in the warm air.

She places a floral wreath on her head

As she gently awakens from her winter bed.

Little sparrows and tiny bees call

Waking her from her sleep since Fall.

Gently she sits and then shyly rises

And looks around at blossoms of all sizes.

As she stretches and smiles tenderly

Colourful buds begin to bloom steadily.

The boughs put forth delicate shoots

And squirrels emerge in their new suits.

There is riot of colour everywhere

One can’t help but stand and stare.

Birds lend their marvellous voices

To a splendid choir most joyous.

They hop, skip and call to each other

Announcing they’re now father and mother!

The long-eared naughty hares

Are seen prancing around in pairs.

You can see their sharp ears twitch

From a patch of green beside a ditch.

On green paths she lightly walks along

As she listens to the delightful song.

The air is filled with a heady fragrance

Her face glows with a happy radiance.

Her pretty pink gown adorned with flowers

Fills with leaves and blossoms over the hours.

Dainty butterflies drift on gossamer wings

As the cuckoo clears her throat and sings.

She comes upon a river so blue

That begins to nod and dance on cue.

Bluebells can be seen from end to end

Magical and mystical, till around the bend.

She raises her face to the sky

And looks up at the tree tops high.

She inhales deeply and sighs

A sparkle gleams in her lovely eyes.

A shower of petals fills her with joy

This maiden simple and playful but coy.

Fit to be the Queen for a King

She’s none other than splendid Spring!

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Megha Kanani
Megha Kanani
Feb 09, 2021

Very the exquisite spring💫🍂

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I’m Elvira Fernandez, an English Lecturer and an avid reader of all kinds of literature, but Children’s Literature, Fantasy and Romance top my list. 

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